Friday, June 29, 2007

Knitting On the Job

Yes friends I have achieved the unlikely and have found a job where I can knit while working.

I'm answering phones for a kitchen refacing company and I'm loving it aside from the obvious knitting reasons. The ladies I work with are fabulous, open, warm, and welcoming. My first day of work I was greeted with a gorgeous living floral arrangement. I don't have any stress and I don't have any responsibility.

The only down side is that I'm only working part time and making less money.

But then again, I'm free to do what I want, any old time.

Sadly, I do spent much of that free time on the computer, but hopefully next week will find me exploring the city on my own, trying to achieve some of those 30th birthday goals. This weekend I am determined to see La Vie En Rose and go to the Farmers Market.

All the while, I'm knitting like a fiend for my book. The patterns are written and I have to knit the large scale versions to ensure correctness. Then I have to prepare the proposal and come up with an ingenious way to present the other, unknitted patterns for the book.

So far people have been responding well to the samples. I have never felt so confident about anything before in my life.


PS I think I have it waaaay better than Pam from The Office

Thursday, June 28, 2007

More Than Meets The Eye

Lucky me, I got to see an advanced screening of Transformers.

It's the summer movie to beat. I don't want to ruin it for you, but it has a wonderful way of melding the best of American genres. The teen film, the car film, the monster film, the horror film, the action film, the romantic comedy -all in ways that are unexpected and welcome. The result is hilarious and it carries the film, supporting the intense action scenes. This is a film to see in a cinema with lots of people, the reactions are as priceless as the jokes. It set a new benchmark for effects that will undoubtedly be noticed come Oscar time.

I'm actually going to see it twice in the theater. That's the biggest compliment I can offer.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

2 Lists

Of things I'd like to do before I turn 30.

Go on an overseas trip on my own, to visit a knitting/needlearts show.
Go to Europe
publish a book
read Leaves of Grass
hike 10 trails around the Bay Area
Knit Mr. G a sweater
Learn my camera
Go on a road trip
get a bike
Go to all four SF art museums
Go to Hawaii (or somewhere tropical with a beach)
Rent a barge to navigate a river in France stopping for wine and cheese along the way.
Exercise enough to get into bikini shape.
Go to a film festival.
Watch more movies at the Rafael.

Things I've already done:
gone to Japan
been to Australia twice,
gambled in Vegas,
spent New Year's Eve in a foreign country
learned to knit,
graduated university,
applied to grad school (and failed)
got married
dyed my hair bright pink
went to some awesome shows(radiohead 2001, area one festival 2001, Coldplay 2001 and 2002, U2 2001, Mark Knopfler 2005, Fiona Apple 2005, Scissor Sisters 2006)
learned to play dnd
been to Paris (but so long ago I need to go again)
got my heart broken,
broke a heart
fell in love
voted in a presidential election (for the wrong person and not Bush)
been to New York

things have changed for me in recent days and my head is somewhere new.
It's important to look back and look forward to see where you're going.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Business Hours Are Closed

I have a new thing to watch over and over again when I need a laugh:

Business Hours

Now if only someone can tell me how I can get this on cd or mp3???



Still in LA. Going home today. Can't wait to get home. I've got a bunch of work to do and this is my last week as an officially unemployed person.

LA was fun. My cousins were in town, my brother lives here and we went to see Knocked Up at the famous Chinese theatre in Hollywood. And I got to visit my brother's two supercute chihuahuas. I like the idea of having a dog, but in reality I prefer the freedom of not having to worry about pets when I go out of town. And I'm not sure that a dog won't totally ruin my yarn stash.

The good news is that I finished a pair of socks this weekend. And of course I started a second sock within 24 hours of finishing the last one.

Oh and we watched 300 on the hotel tv. Lame!!!!!!!!! Pecs a movie doesn't make.


Saturday, June 09, 2007

Round Em Up

Why can't I actually get off my butt and blog daily? That way I wouldn't have to write such a large post.

Let's see if I can simply summarize:

1) book progress is going well. I have 8 projects swatched and ready to write. Then I just have to knit the large-size versions, find an awesome way to present the remaining projects and write the book proposal. It's all in the head, someone's just got to stop getting distracted and actually DO THE WORK.

2) It's hard to do the work when you're traveling every other weekend, but that's the choice I make.

3) Last week I was in Missouri for my grandfather's funeral. Every time I mention it, people get very sympathetic and offer condolences, which is strange to me because I didn't feel so terrible about grandpa's death. The funeral was as nice as funerals can be. There was a little teariness, but it's hard to feel sad when you know that grandpa lived a full life, he was a believer of Christ and heaven he has possibly found his maker, and he went as peacefully as possible and had accepted his fate and wanted to go.

The only part that really bugged me was that his funeral was on my birthday, but that in itself was a gift. My birthday ended up being celebrated multiple times over the course of the week and I got to spend it with my family. It made for a bittersweet day and my favorite moments in life are those that are both happy and sad, as if those days are the most balanced, having experiened the full spectrum of emotion.

4) I'm in LA this weekend, once again taking advantage of a cushy hotel. Last night we drank a heap of wine and shockingly enough I'm not hungover.

5) Did I mention that I got a job? It's part time, with the possibility for more time when I need it. I'm answering phones. That's it. They just want me to answer the phone. Some people would be bored by this, but I might, just might be able to knit on the job...


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

More Japan

In place of a personal post we have more photos of Japan...

This is the infamous grandma hat!

The GrenadineGirl family in Korakuen Park

Mr. G is to ice cream like I am to yarn.

You've never seen anyone happier to be in a tasty burger joint (ps: the drink has grenadine in it -Grenadinegirl, drinking grenadine)

The Grenadinegirl Family with my brother's mother in law at a Korean BBQ restaurant. YUM!

Mr. G in karaoke mode.

Shibuya baby

Indian food, in Japan. Yum. This was one of those meals that I had to buy little tickets in a vending machine and they bring the food to your table.

Hibiya Park. Nice fountain.

PS I also got a gorgeous prize pack from my favorite lace knitter Knitabulous. Photos tomorrow of that. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. I can't wait to put together a thank you pack for you!!!!!

Grenadine Girl