Monday, July 31, 2006

Must not buy. Put the Silk Wool Blend Down.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There was a yarn sale at Warren's last weekend. Yeah I know: danger. I'm not allowed to buy anymore yarn for the rest of the year. How can I resist 30% off ALL YARN. Well I took my mom for moral support because she didn't have the same self-imposed yarn restriction. And she did find her favorite yarn to make hats.

But then nobody had bought the Lorna's Laces Lion and Lamb in Vera, my FAVORITE lorna's colorway. And I did want to make a clapotis with it, and I held four skeins of the yarn (30% off, that's like one skein for FREE!). But I maintained my composure.

Somewhere there will always be Lorna's Lion and Lamb in Vera for me to buy when I'm ready for it. And I will feel that much better knowing I waited. In fact I'm appreciating the anticipation.

There just better be some LLL in Vera for me when I'm ready...

And my conscience loves me for it.

feeling better

Friday, July 28, 2006

Hodge Podge

Hey check it out. Crystal Palace has a blog.

You may not know that I'm entirely OBSESSED with Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille. It was one of my favorite yarns from the very beginning. In fact I don't know another yarn that I use more regularly. Its my go-to yarn for gifts. You wouldn't know it from it's fuzzy appearance, but it's quite versatile and you can make a fancy shmancy handmade gift with just one skein. Washcloths, baby hats, socks, baby anything really. The only other yarn I could possibly appreciate as much is Cascade Fixation or Cascade 220. I made my first complicated scarf (wavy from Knitty) in cream colored 220. It's really bizarre because I think their 220 is a little bit different than it used to be. I thought about buying some recently, but it seemed much rougher than I remembered. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I just said that to myself to prevent Yet Another Yarn Purchase (aka YAYP).

Just so you know I am not allowed to buy anymore yarn this year. it's obscene the amount of yarn I have and it would be a crime for me to buy more, especially since I work for a yarn company. Unless somebody can give me specifics on my future reincarnation so I know how to address my leftover yarn, I will not be able to knit my current stash in this lifetime. OK well, at least not within the next 5 years.

Not to rub it in anyone's faces, but I had a fabulous day at work again. An overseas supplier came to visit and brought gifts, specifically the first samples of a new yarn.... it's so yummy! And there's nothing like it.. I would tell you more but I don't want to get in trouble. Let's just say that it's like walking on air, or walking on sunshine or strolling on cloud nine. Soft! Soft! Soft! Yarn!

let's see what else is new. I tried intarsia knitting and my bad, I knit an entire repeat on a scarf in the wrong gauge. It was much too tight and the image looked like someone had stretched it like saltwater taffy. Not a nice effect that. It's sort of like the Nicole Richie post-suspicious-conspicuous-weight-loss photo. So I'm trying again with larger needles.

This intarsia project is actually something of my own design, knitted with Jo Sharp DK wool (another favorite yarn). It's a series of violet magnolia blossoms and either I can't draw or something b/c the finished effect isn't quite what I envisioned, which as an aspiring kntting pattern designer is quite frustrating. Designing a pattern is a different kind of knitting entirely. I suppose I should latch on to the unknown. And be pleasantly surprised when I finally get something right. It's going to take a while.

And most of the stuff I've been knitting these days have been gifts, which means I haven't been photographing the progress. Which means my blog has been pretty boring of late. And I actually finished the sweater for Mr. G, but I fubar'd it and it's now the perfect size for me. Oh well. Izzy says that it looks cute, which I appreciate, but I fear that it has now become my video-gaming sweater. I have a bizarre outfit I wear in the winter, when my uninsulated house is freezing cold. It is my handknit hat, glovelets, and now my new sweater. None of these pieces match each other, and somehow I look like a refugee from the fabulous yarn company's trunk show closet, but I don't care because the only people who see me like this are the pizza delivery man and my husband. It is this outfit I wear in the winter while I play video games (usually Baldur's Gate). it's sort of like my costume. It helps me get into character when I'm ready for a new mission. I should really put that outfit on an make it my new profile photo...

Anyhoo I'm currently in my sleeping costume and I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep.

Good night.


Friday, July 21, 2006


Giving new meaning to "touchy feely American"

I'm totally grossed out.


Too bad SNL is in the off-season.

Grenadine Girl

Friday, July 14, 2006


Hi there friends.

I got the lovliest comment from this cool guy Mark from England.

He's inspired me to think about my spiritual side today. Since I live in the San Francisco Bay area there are a lot of people who think I'm totally without faith, or entirely disrespectful of it. However they couldn't be further from the truth.

I spent a lot of time in church throughout my childhood and teenaged years and I embrace much of what religion teaches us, however I could never accept the singularity of Christianity, that the bible's god is the one true god. And I've found that at least in the US, Christianity is often used by people as an excuse to judge.

However this cool guy Mark embraces everything I've ever admired about Christianity -love and brotherhood. He's all about spreading the love. Unconditional simple love. It's the closest that anyone has gotten me to going back to church in years.

We need more of that in this world.

I'm one of those crazy people who loves to talk about religion, which is one of the most taboo subjects in polite conversation. I am fascinated by peoples beliefs. However I do have a difficult time when people start wars in god's name. I'm not convinced that god ever wants us to do harm to one another or to the earth. BTW I just say god for lack of a better word. I find it more fitting to appreciate existance of the universe, to appreciate the uncertainty of how/why we came to exist and simply enjoy it for what it is, which is a form of love in itself. I can't really categorize what kind of belief that is. I'm not really atheistic because I can accept the idea that there might be a god/gods out there, but I'm not really agnostic either because I don't really belong to a church. I refuse to cut out any possibilities when it comes to the origins of the universe.

I think I'm a universalist. The universe is here, I live in it and it's beautiful and I love it.

The only sure thing in life is death, and that's where I'll find all of the world's secrets.

Hopefully not any time soon.

Keep on loving,

Grenadine Girl

Summer's Here

and I'm too busy to blog.

But hopefully that will change soon.