Sunday, March 18, 2007

Flight delayed: Icarus is grounded

Alright I tried casting on again, this time with a size 2 addi turbo and we still fubarred it at row seven. There's something about those markers.

I'm going to have to resort to a lifeline, because I'm really sick of doing those first set up rows.

However I am liking the look of the work on the size 2 much better. We will try again. And try and try and try until we get it right.

I'm suddenly in awe of Knitabulous, one my favorite knitbloggers, who lives where I want to retire in Australia and who regularly pumps out these incredible laces.

And to answer a question about cabling without needles, I haven't tried it. There's something about having a cable needle hanging out of my mouth while I'm knitting that makes me feel like I'm really working hard.

Only a few hours left of uninterrupted knitting.


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