Thursday, January 06, 2005

Getting Lazy

Ironic how with all of these new year’s resolutions I have actually become LAZY.

Somehow, with all of this focus on such grandiose plans, regular everyday chores have fallen to the wayside, like kitchen cleaning and laundry. I’m even too lazy to cook properly. Funny enough, lazy cooking sometimes causes remarkable innovation, hence my latest dish: Curry Lambburgers.

Angela’s Curry Lambburgers

1 lb ground lamb
2 Tablespoons curry powder
salt and pepper to taste
1 apple, loosely chopped (optional)
slices of cheddar cheese

Whole wheat pita bread
HP Sauce (or other bbq sauce, HP is a British sauce found in some specialty super markets or at Cost Plus in California)
European salad mix

Combine the lamb, curry powder, Salt and Pepper and apple. Form into patties (should make 2 or 3)

Sauté over medium high heat in fry pan until cooked through and seared on both sides, about 7-10 minutes. Place cheese to melt in last minutes of cooking. Take burgers off heat and allow them to rest for a minute or two.

While waiting, cut pita in half, spread bbq sauce and fill with greens, insert burger.


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